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The Switch To Blogger

Monday, September 10, 2007
I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, but I have switched from WordPress, back to Blogger.

I started out on Blogger, but was unimpressed with their scrawny templates (and still am). I made the switch to WordPress because I liked their templates better as they had a wider range of styles and colors...and I was able to choose a template that mimicked my store's theme. However, when it came time that I wanted to change the layout to look exactly like the store and fully integrate everything, WordPress fell short as it costs money to be able to edit style sheets. No thanks. I am not paying money to do work! lol

I took the time to copy all of the blogs I have written since the temporary switch and posted them. The dates are all wrong, but at least they are there. It took me ages, but I finally changed this blog to look almost exactly like my website www.kimiskustoms.com although it'll never be perfect. I'm quite happy..and now it's easier than ever to go from my blogs, straight to my store - making it easier on you as a potential customer and better for me as a saleswoman. WinX2!

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